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Astrology current transits reading

Meet On Zoom

Heart's Desire

1 h
225 US dollars
Over Zoom


This is the perfect consultation for those who are well-versed in their personal planets and placements, and are seeking guidance in a specific area of life (such as relationship, romantic partner, job, or move). We will look at aspects and transits that may be impacting what you're most wanting to manifest, and how to best work with the current energies in pursuit of your dream. For all consultations, I bring my intuitive insights, spiritual wisdom, and astrological knowledge to help you align with your joy, happiness, and fulfillment. I will also offer advice for moving through challenges and periods of intense growth. Your consultation includes: * A live, 60-minute meeting with me on Zoom * Your chart with current transits, emailed to you before our meeting * A downloadable video recording (emailed to you 24-48 hours after we meet)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy: Sessions are non-refundable.

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